There is nothing called a perfect driver, everyone is prone to making mistakes and errors of judgment. As the personal injury lawyer in Penticton explains, as per the legal requirement, the drivers have a care duty to other users of the road. This includes the other drivers, cyclists, and the pedestrians. Such obligation in no way demands perfection though. It only obliges the drivers, causing them to take the necessary actions. Any reasonable, prudent driver performs this under similar conditions.
Personal injury lawyer in Penticton represents people sustaining losses or
injured in collisions. When caused by negligent drivers you become eligible for full or partial compensation related to the losses. This is in spite of the fact that you contributed
to the accident at least partially. For example, someone injured when driving over posted limits of speed or when not wearing any seatbelt. These things do not matter because you are still
eligible for seeking injury compensation the driver at fault has to pay the same or probably the related insurer.
It is possible to settle most of the cases even without going to the trial and this might be desirable in most situations as well. The important thing is to make sure that the insurance company
of the defendant does not take you for a ride. Personal injury lawyer in Penticton is there by your side to prevent that from happening at any time. In situation when one is unable to reach any
settlement after negotiations, things become complicated. Here the defendant and the injured party would now look up to the court proceedings to resolve the issues.
The court would look at the situation for both the parties. Based upon that, they would decide the portion of fault attributable properly to each of the driver. According to the personal injury
lawyer in Penticton, the degree of the fault in the cause of the injuries referred as the contributory negligence. The contributory negligence percentage determine amount of the awarded damages,
the plaintiff receives. Now in a situation where there is a collision between truck and a car. The truck driver is the defendant in the case and accepted a degree of responsibility for accident.
The defendant might allege that injured plaintiff bears huge part of blame as well because when the crash happened, he or she was speeding. The situation was such that the driver of the truck
could not avoid the collision but the car of the plaintiff was responsible for creating the dangerous situation. In such cases, the burden to prove the contributory negligence rests on defendant.
Personal injury lawyer in Penticton would try everything they can to get you the best from the situation and show how the defendant was solely responsible for the situation. For more information
visit here: Barapp Law Firm BC